Once upon a time in our distant past, the people up here in the forest-covered North began to build their houses out of wooden logs. The big advantage of log houses is that you can move them. You just take the logs apart, like Lego, and reassemble them at another location. A hundred years ago, this area here was nothing but meadows. But then a man full of ideas and grand visions came to the village, a teacher named Gunnar Rosenholm. He inspired his pupils, the villagers, and others, to start gathering what at first seemed to them like “old rubbish”. Naturally, the villagers were rather sceptical about this project, to begin with. But after a few obstacles and mishaps , World War II for instance, they managed to open a small local history museum. The process turned out to be a lot of fun, so they decided to move more timber houses here, and then decorated them with genuine historical objects to make them look just like they would have at the turn of the previous century, around 1900. The result was Stundars, an open-air museum encompassing two-hectares of land, with 70 traditional buildings, permanent staff, and activities all year round. In the museum village, you can experience how people lived 100-150 years ago in Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia. You are warmly welcome to Stundars!
The rest of the audio-guide can be found on the following pages:
The Wise Woman’s Cottage and smoke sauna