Summer, autumn or winter, no matter the season, the que is long to the market stall selling fresh, still warm sugar pastries, the famous Stundars “jam pigs”. The rumour of the sheer joy of biting into a hot jam pig spreads like wildfire in the region. And like the comfortable people we are, we might think that it would indeed be lovely to make jam pigs at home, but it’s probably too hard and complicate. But actually, it is not! Here is the recipe for them, enjoy!

The Stundars´Jam Pigs Topp
1 litre of either water or milk
100 grams of east
about 200 grams of melted margarin
1 egg
1 tablespoon of salt
just shy of 2 decilitres of granulated sugar
2 teaspoons of cardamon
2,6 litres of wheat flour
+ jam
+ oil for deepfrying
+ granulated sugar to roll the warm jam pigs in
Dissolve the east into the tepid liquid. Add salt, cardamon, sugar, egg and the melted fat. Stir down the flour little by little and knead the dough well. Let it rest on a draught-free place for 15 minutes or until the dough has doubled in size. Then roll it out to a slab that is about 8 millimetres thick. Cut the slap in squares (about 8 x 8 centimetres) and put a dab of jam in the middle of the square. Fold the square and drag out every corner while you roll it between your fingers into four “pig’s feet”. Let the jam pigs rise under a towel for about an hour. Warm the fat in a deep frying pan to 180 degrees Celsius, and deep fry the jam pigs until they get a nice, brown colour. Roll the still warm jam pigs in granulated sugar, pour yourself a glass of cold milk, take a bite and feel the pure joy spreading through your body.
Text: Maria Österåker in the book ”Stundars” from 2013