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Before your visit

If You could go back in time about 150 years, this is what an ordinary Ostrobothnian village would have looked alike. Welcome to Stundars Open-Air Museum!

Please have a peek into the cottages Topp

During the opening hours in summer, the doors to most of the museum cottages are open and you can look inside and see how the Ostrobothnians used to live. You can even step into some of the buildings to have a look around. Our staff, dressed in historical clothing, are more than pleased to answer all your questions. At even hours, there is also guided tours that tell the stories of life on the Ostrobothnian countryside a century and a half ago. These guided tours are included in the entrance fee and are highly recommended.

“Stundars is like an exciting book about times gone by. If you stroll around in the museum village by yourself, it’s like looking at all the beautiful pictures – but it’s only the guide who can translate the text for you.”

Here You can see the themes and timetable for this summer’s guided tours. You can also book one of our guided tours especially for you and your group. Here are the themes you can choose from, teir fees and our contact information.

Here are all our fees. When you have paid the entrance fee, you will get a sticker. Wear it visibly on your person and you can come and go as You like between the museum village, the café and the playground during the day. You can pay with cash, credit card, MobilePay and the MuseumCard. For an invoice, please contact

Are you curious about the buildings, so beautiful in their simplicity? Here You can read, see and hear more about them. During opening hours, over 20 of them are open to enter or have a look into. Additionally, there are four different historical playhouses, three art exhibitions and a small petting zoo.

You can look, but not touch!

At Stundars, we follow the usual museum etiquette and don’t run around inside the cottages or disturb other guests that want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. If all our visitors touched the artifacts and furniture, they would soon get dirty and break. Many of them are over a hundred years old and cannot be replaced. Neither the décor nor the cottages themselves are meant to climb on. The grown-ups are responsible for their children, so that no-one and nothing will come to any harm. Instead, children are more than welcome to play in our inspiring historical playhouses and on the playground. The doors to the playhouses are open during opening hours in summertime and during our larger events.

“Stundars is a really nice place! It’s wonderful that there are playhouses for the children, what a brilliant idea! First you get to see the authentic milieus and then you get to play!”

Dad with small children

Parking Topp

At Stundars Open-Air Museum there is free parking for cars and buses. Close to the entrance, there is a special parking lot for bicycles. During our larger events, there is also parking on the other side of Sulvantie-Solfvägen. Please follow the directions of our parking attendants then, to avoid accidents or parking violations[LNF1] .

Our staff will take care of You. Topp

If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask our staff. They are pleased to help with historical ponderings as well as with practical issues. At Stundars, there are six full-time employees and ten or so guides, museum hosts or caretaker assistants during the summers. You can recognize some of them by the historical clothing and the rest by the Stundars logo on their work-clothes. Our artisans, that during some summer days are working with different traditional handicraft in or outside the museum cottages, can also be dressed accordingly.

“It was nice that there was someone in the farmhouse who could tell us a little about the place. We learned some new stuff, like why the thresholds were so high”

Teenaged boy

This is the staff that will greet you at Stundars Open-Air Museum in summer 2024.

You are also welcome outside the museum’s opening hours Topp

During the rest of the year and in the evenings, you are free to take a stroll around the tranquil idyll in the museum village. The doors to all the cottages are locked, though, as well as the bathrooms, and there are no staff members that can tell you about the marvellous history of the place. But you can still have a seat on one of the benches and just enjoy the peaceful nature and the nostalgic surroundings. Please keep to the paths and show consideration for the historic environment.

There is video surveillance on the premises.

Dogs are welcome too Topp

You can visit the museum village with your dog – but be sure to keep it on a leash. There are several trash cans in the museum village. Assistance dogs are allowed into the museum buildings.

A picnic on the lawn or a taste sensation at Lyckans café Topp

If the weather is nice, why not bring your own picnic basket on your visit and have a seat at one of the picnic tables or spread your blanket on the green grass. Stundars is not a public park, though, and we wish all our visitors the chance to enjoy the calming effects of nature and to hear the whispers from the past.

No fires are allowed. These old wooden buildings are as unique as they are inflammable. Do not smoke in the museum village. There is a separate smoking area close to the big parking lot.

”This is such a nice place. I can rest my soul here”

Older lady

In Lyckans Café, you can enjoy light lunch alternatives and freshly baked goods from the local bakery, Lyckans Bröd. The café is usually open when the museum is, but you can check the opening hours on Lyckans Bröd’s Facebook-page and website.

The Hemmer restaurant offer dining services by reservation, as well as breakfast, lunch and other tailored menus for memorable parties and business events. But at the larger events at Stundars, you have the chance to have a bowl of Chef Saku’s extraordinary, traditional “klimpsoppa” (a meat soup with wheat nuggets) at Hemmer’s, a genuine Finnish party dish in the olden days.

During our larger events at Stundars, you may also enjoy a real taste sensation: the Stundars’ “jam pigs” (hillopossu/syltgris). That is a fried and sugared pastry, that is served so fresh from the old-time bakery at Stundars that it is still warm.

“Wonderful place! I’ll spend all day here! This is fantastic!”

Middle-aged woman

The petting zoo Topp

During the summers, bunnies, goats and chicken live in the part of the museum village that we call The Grey Village. You are welcome to come visit them – but please do not yell or run around in their home. Dogs also makes them nervous, so please let your dog wait outside the petting zoo. Unfortunately, you can’t feed the animals, since too much or the wrong kind of foods will make their tummies hurt. Every week during the summer, there are several guided tours in the petting zoo, and then you can help the guide take care of the animals.

Offices at Stundars Topp

If you have an errand to someone in our staff, please make an appointment directly with that person. Our offices are placed in several buildings, and Stundars is a rather large workplace. The contact information for the staff is listed here.

Accessability Topp

If you would like to know beforehand how accessible Stundars is in different ways, please visit our webpage on the subject here.